Sunday, March 2, 2014

My Love From Another Star - TV Series Review - Spoiler Alert

Below content may contains spoilers, read at your own risk.

I came across the title of this series on accident and after simply reading the series title I was immediately intrigued. I am a huge fan of all things space, aliens, sci-fi, etc. (I'm a Doctor Who & Star Trek fan, that should give you a glimpse of what I mean). But don't be fooled, the only thing sic-fi about this series is that one of the main characters is an alien and has a couple super powers. Other than that, he's pretty normal.

The series is a total of 21 episodes long and out of all the dramas I've watched so far, this one has the coolest opening intro. I really did look forward to watching the opening intro each episode. To over simplify the summary its about an alien Do Min-Joon and top actress Cheon Song-yi and how they eventually fall in love. The overall plot is somewhat complicated to explain so instead I will provide highlights of the random things I remember and hope that you will check the series out.

 I will have to admit it took a while for me to get wrapped up in the series. It took me a good 4-6 episodes to start feeling an attachment to the characters.

Quick Overview of the Characters

  • Cheon Song-Yi -Main female character, at first came across extremely annoying, selfish and crass but you will grow to love her.  
  • Do Min-Joon - Main male character, you will quickly fall in love with him, its inevitable. I mean have you seen his facial bone structure?
  • Lee Hwi Kyung - Good friend and hopelessly obsessed with Cheon Song-Yi. It's best not to put to much thought into how much he is obsessed with Song-Yi. 
  • Yoo Se Mi - Former friend and backstabber of Cheon Song-Yi. Watch out girls, pretty sure she carries around a rusty knife to stab people in the back with. 
What I liked
This series has many funny parts but the series will also take you on a emotional roller coaster. I also liked the backstory of Do Min-Joon and Song-Yi how they originally met in another lifetime where Do Min-Joon tried to protect her as a little girl. I shed some serious tears when past life Song-Yi was shot by arrows by trying to protect Do Min-Joon. 

Other things I liked... Do Min-Joon's apartment!!! Every time there were scenes in his apartment I would say to myself, I want an apartment like that. It was very modern with a high-tech feel. 

What I Didn't Like
In the beginning, they hinted very strongly that Song-Yi was the little girl that sacrificed herself for Do Min-Joon 400 years ago. But in the end the series never tied up the lose end and confirmed that yes, Song-Yi was reincarnated and their paths once again crossed as fate.

The ending of the series was a little so-so for me. Im happy that they Do Min-Joon was eventually able to make his way back to Song-Yi but it didn't seem very permanent. He was sucked into a wormhole and comes and goes at random which is out of his control but he always tries to make his way back to Song-Yi. Will they get married, do they have kids? Does Hwi Kyung ever move on?

Questions Im Left to Ponder

  1. Do Min-Joon doesn't age because time flows differently on his planet. If time is relative to the observer and since Do Min-Joon is on earth, wouldn't he age at the same rate as people on earth? But I suppose we have to chalk it up to him having special alien powers. 
  2. If Do Min-Joon doesn't really age and Song-Yi does, eventually she will be an old lady and die. Will she once again be reincarnated and be with Do Min-Joon once again? Id like to think so. 
  3. Does Song-Yi little brother makeup with his dad? By the series end, he still seemed distant towards his dad. 
  4. If the closest planets outside of our solar system is lightyears away, Do Min-Joon waiting for a comet as a ride back home would take many years. He would have to hope that he did run into a wormhole to cut the distance wouldn't he?
  5. If Do Min-Joon was going to take a ride on a comet, what was with the UFO that was looking for him, what was the point then?

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